
NAME:.. ……….Emu Park RSL Sub Branch
CONTACT: …….Secretary
LOCATION: ……1 Emu Street, Emu Park 4710
POSTAL: ……….PO Box 11 Emu Park QLD 4710
PHONE: ………..(07) 4939 6785
EMAIL: ………….Email the RSL
WEBSITE: ………www.emuparkrsl.org.au
Google Earth Co-ordinates: 23°15’28.06″S, 150°49’44.43″E

EMU PARK ONLINE encourages you to visit the EMU PARK RSL CLUB’S WEBSITE
for all up to date details and information on upcoming events.

General Meetings
Closed between Christmas and New Year
General Meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of every month at 10:30 am. The meeting is followed by lunch. The Sub-Branch has a liquor licence.
Thursdays 1.00pm until close.
Sundays 11.00am until close.
Visit our Website www.emuparkrsl.org.au

Pic – The Dawn Service – Centennial Commemoration and the first service at the New Anzac Court
Women’s Auxiliary
General Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of every month at 10:00 a.m.
On Thursdays the Women’s Auxiliary playMah-jongg and inquirer’s are welcome.
Hoy is held every third Friday at 10.00 a.m. Good prizes are on offer. Hoy cards are available and a Lucky Door prize.
There are other functions and activities throughout the year. Details will be available on this site and also placed on the Sub-Branch noticeboard.
Call now on (07) 4939 6785
Our Location

And please don’t forget to tell our wonderful Gold Listers that you found them on Emu Park Online. TIA