
NAME:.. ……….Keppel Sands State School
CONTACT: …….Admin
LOCATION: ……1325 Keppel Sands Road ,Keppel Sands Qld 4151
POSTAL: ……….PO Box 2045, Keppel Sands Qld 4702
PHONE: ………..(07) 4934 4760
EMAIL: ………….the.principal@keppsandss.eq.edu.au
WEBSITE: ………https://keppsandss.eq.edu.au
Google Earth Co-ordinates:

Nestled away on the lovely Capricorn Coast, only metres from the local beach, lies Keppel Sands State School. Surrounded by palms, and located as you enter the small safe town, this setting is hard to beat. Keppel Sands State School, is a small school with current enrolment count of 19.
Being close to the water and located within a small township, we value our tight relationships with the environment and our community and instil these
values into our students.

Keppel Sands State School has high standards, encourages success and has a student body who exemplifies high standards of behaviour. As such, in every lesson of every day we live our school vision of “Inspiring successful, proud and confident learners.”
With new and modern facilities, beautiful Central Queensland weather and caring and dedicated staff, Keppel Sands State School is a wonderful place for your children to learn and grow.
Visit our Website https://keppsandss.eq.edu.au

Call now on (07) 4934 4760
Our Location

And please don’t forget to tell our wonderful Gold Listers that you found them on Emu Park Online. TIA