HANDY HINT AND A QUICK CHECK LIST BEFORE YOU START FILLING IN THE CHARITY CLUB ONLINE FORM. (There are 21 fields and 13 of those require answers ...For Your Convenience The Questions are numbered below) HINT: Some way down the form there is a field ( the window box) called "Description Content and Text Content" It is where we require a description and text content about your clubs charity listing. It might take you a few minutes to get it all together so why not have it prepared prior to filling out the form. Then copy and paste it in. Here is what appears.... and note the HANDY HINT line. IMPORTANT NOTE: The details for the Description and Text Content Field can be obtained at a later date. Below - this is where you can include your text content, your Charity or Club description and details - hours of operations - your services - your blurb about the charity or club, but remember if you have a website we can transfer the info AND PICTURES over to your listings page HANDY HINT. Type out your blurb / content into a program such as "word" or "notepad" and have it ready to copy and paste into this field on the "LIVE" email form on the page BELOW ARE THE FIELDS AS THEY APPEAR. There are 21 questions and 13 are required answers -- type them next to the question line and just copy and paste them over and into the 'live' form if it suits you more. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ (01) Require GOLD Listing * (required answer) ... Drop down selection ======================================== REQUIRED FIELDS FOR CHARITY - CLUB LISTING ======================================== (02) Charity - Club Name ....... (Answer required) - (03) Charity - Club Address ....... (Answer required) - (04) Charity - Club Email ....... (Answer required) - (05) Charity - Club Contact Persons Name to display ....... (Answer required) - (06) Charity - Club Contact Persons Position to display ....... (Answer required) - (Is he/she a - i.e Manager, Media Spokesperson ) (07) Primary Charity - Club Phone No to display ....... (Answer required) - ============================== Optional Fields Charity - Clubs Lisitings ============================== (08) Charity - Club Postal Address i.e. your P.O.Box . . . (optional) - (09) No2 Contact Persons Name and Position to display. . . (optional) - (10) No2 Charity - Club Phone Number. . . (optional) - "Any extra contacts go in this field below. If you like you can include details such as name, position, mobile, additional emails, etc. For Example Your Manager, Media Person... just put the information you require displayed in the window below." (11) 2nd Additional Contact Details. . . (optional) - =============================== FIELDS FOR LISTING PAGE CONTENT =============================== (12) Your Charity - Club Website URL (web address). . . (optional) - (13) Charity - Club Facebook Link Address. . . (optional) - "If you have a website where EPOL can go to to obtain content and images include the URL (the www) below..". (14) Existing Website to access details. . . (optional) - IMPORTANT NOTE: See notes at top... this is where you tell us all about your Business or Services. Remember it is not set in stone and can be easily changed. (15) Description Content and Text Content . . . (optional) - You will need to tick one of the box selections to let Jeff know what you want to do about images for your listing.. ...MUST TICK ONE OF THE BOXES.. (16) There is a checkbox selection in the form. Just tick what selection is for you ========================================================= NEXT LOT IS FOR OUR RECORDS. we need this recorded for ongoing contact ========================================================= (17) Your Name (required) The applicant ... (18) Your Email (required)... (19) Your Contact Phone No.(required)... (20) Your Address (required)... (21) Your Suburb (required)... ================ THAT'S ALL FOLKS ================